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CEO of R3 Achievements

Some examples of the achievements that the executive team made during my tenure as the CEO

Dr Abdullah Al khathlan

Dr Abdullah Al khathlan

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Improving the number of ORs done in the Clusters Hospitals


A war room was created to address the underperformance of the operating rooms in the hospitals in the cluster. The war room addressed the supply chain issues, manpower issues and the infrastructure issues that impacted performance of the hospitals in this vital project.m was 

Improvements in the performance of the OR in the hospitals let directly to a major improvement of the waiting lists for the patients that the cluster serves.


OPD Numbers


The performance of the outpatient clinics also improved significantly in the clusters hospitals. This improvement reflects the trusts of the population in the services that the hospitals provide, and this also had a positive impact on the performance in the operating room.

Model of Care

The new model of care is the cornerstone of the healthcare transformation in the Kingdom . It focuses on better experience for the patients, improving the health care services and the health of the population and finally, achieving financial sustainability within the healthcare sector. This diagram reflects some of the financial efficiencies that were achieved through different initiatives of the model of care within the cluster.


Essential Safety Requirements

In order to deliver a safe health care services in the clusters hospitals, the executive team had the laser focus on improving the essential safety requirements “ESR”. Hospitals are ranked in either a Green Zone for the best performance in ESR, yellow zone for those who have a medium performance, red zone for those who are underperforming. The improvement in the number of hospitals in the Green Zone and a yellow zone compared with the red zone is clearly demonstrated.

Customer Satisfaction

Measuring the patient satisfaction from the services that the hospitals provide is an essential  parameter that the executive team kept an eye on. Through a third party (press ganey), We kept close eye on the performance of the hospital in this file. One of the major challenges was the patient satisfaction in the emergency room. Multiple projects were dedicated to improve this. The improvement as illustrated in the diagram was significant.


Complaint Closer Satisfaction

Another element in patient satisfaction that we kept monitoring was the customer satisfaction through 937 service which is the customer hotline for complaints and issues that they can present immediately and directly against the hospitals and the PHC's. Satisfaction of the customer after the closure of each complaint showed major improvement.


Accreditation of hospitals and PHCs require a high degree in safety measures, quality measures, and governance. It also increases patients and customers trust in the facilities of any health care provider. The work to obtain accreditation require a multidisciplinary team from different portfolios. Including but not limited to health care delivery, quality, operations and safety, finance etc. As illustrated in the diagram the number of health care facilities that obtained accreditation by CBAHI (Saudi Central Board For Accreditation Of Healthcare Institutions), significantly increased.


Virtual Call Center

A major project in the Ministry of Health during 2023 was to improve the performance of colorectal cancer screening and breast cancer screening in the Kingdom. The performance of the cluster along with other clusters in the Kingdom was underwhelming. The executive team identified the gap in communication with the patients and beneficiaries. Through partnership with the private sector we created a virtual call centre that used AI to contact candidates for screening and then book the patience for screening immediately. This had a major impact on the performance off the cluster in this important project.


Specialised health care centres

Specialised health care centres are services that are provided by hospitals at a high level. In order to achieve recognition of such specialised centre certain acquirements need to be met and a team from the Ministry of Health need to visit the health care facility to assure that such requirements are met. When we started in the cluster there was only one specialised centre recognised by Ministry of Health, by 2024 there were seven.

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